…With Flocks Of Contenders…
Among the S-LSAs expected to be on display are the Flight Design CT, an all-composite, high-wing airplane built in Germany and sold in the U.S. by Flight Design of Connecticut. Two Evektor SportStars, a low-wing, all-metal airplane from the Czech Republic, will be there, the ink still wet on their airworthiness certificates. Sport Aircraft International, of Kerrville, Texas, says that by 4 p.m. Friday it already had S-LSA approvals in hand for the two airplanes. Making its debut is the Legend Cub, an LSA-compliant “redefined” Piper Cub lookalike, with a 100-hp Continental engine, a wider cockpit, and other modern touches.

Among the S-LSAs expected to be on display are the Flight Design CT, an all-composite, high-wing airplane built in Germany and sold in the U.S. by Flight Design of Connecticut. Two Evektor SportStars, a low-wing, all-metal airplane from the Czech Republic, will be there, the ink still wet on their airworthiness certificates. Sport Aircraft International, of Kerrville, Texas, says that by 4 p.m. Friday it already had S-LSA approvals in hand for the two airplanes. Making its debut is the Legend Cub, an LSA-compliant "redefined" Piper Cub lookalike, with a 100-hp Continental engine, a wider cockpit, and other modern touches. The first aircraft is flying, and the company expects to start deliveries later this summer. Engine makers also are jumping aboard the LSA train. Jabiru Aircraft, Australia, says its four-cylinder Jabiru 2200 engine and its six-cylinder 3300 engine are LSA-ready.