Women in Aviation Wrap Up Annual Event…

The 16th Annual International Women in Aviation International Conference wrapped up Saturday night in Dallas, Texas, with an awards dinner that handed out $517,000 in scholarships to 55 people. “Several scholarships were given by those who have won scholarships in the past,” Amy Laboda, editor of WAI’s Aviation for Women magazine, told AVweb yesterday. “That, to me, is the exciting part.” The scholarships ranged from type ratings in 737s, to Pratt & Whitney maintenance training, to time in Learjet simulators, to a couple of private pilot certificates, to floatplane training. “We’ve now topped $4 million in total scholarships given (to just under 500 people) in less than 10 years,” Laboda said.

With Cool Half-Million In Free Training

The 16th Annual International Women in Aviation International Conference wrapped up Saturday night in Dallas, Texas, with an awards dinner that handed out $517,000 in scholarships to 55 people. "Several scholarships were given by those who have won scholarships in the past," Amy Laboda, editor of WAI's Aviation for Women magazine, told AVweb yesterday. "That, to me, is the exciting part." The scholarships ranged from type ratings in 737s, to Pratt & Whitney maintenance training, to time in Learjet simulators, to a couple of private pilot certificates, to floatplane training. "We've now topped $4 million in total scholarships given (to just under 500 people) in less than 10 years," Laboda said. A complete list of this year's scholarship winners will be up on the WAI Web site by the end of this week, Laboda said.