Picture of the Week, December 31, 2020
Walking back to my hangar on a dark ramp late one early fall evening, the light pouring out was a comforting sight. Within I can block out all that 2020 has wrought and commune with a few of my favorite things. The picture was taken with my iPhone 11 of my hangar at KBDR (Sikorsky Memorial Airport, Bridgeport, CT). Copyrighted photo by Kirk Wennerstrom.

Walking back to my hangar on a dark ramp late one early fall evening, the light pouring out was a comforting sight. Within I can block out all that 2020 has wrought and commune with a few of my favorite things. The picture was taken with my iPhone 11 of my hangar at KBDR (Sikorsky Memorial Airport, Bridgeport, CT). Copyrighted photo by Kirk Wennerstrom.

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