Picture Of The Week, November 25, 2021
New RayBan mirrored clip on sunglasses provided the opportunity to grab a selfie with a unique perspective. Took a number of flights to figure out how to position the iPhone 11 Pro (nothing larger would work) relative to my head, my face relative to the horizon, and the best orientation relative to the sun. New York’s Hudson Valley, November 2021. Copyrighted photo by Daniel Spitzer MD.

New RayBan mirrored clip on sunglasses provided the opportunity to grab a selfie with a unique perspective. Took a number of flights to figure out how to position the iPhone 11 Pro (nothing larger would work) relative to my head, my face relative to the horizon, and the best orientation relative to the sun. New York’s Hudson Valley, November 2021. Copyrighted photo by Daniel Spitzer MD.

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