65 Days Aloft? In a C-172? Matt and Chet Pipkin Go for the Record

It’s been a little more than 50 years since anyone tried to break one of the most bizarre aviation endurance records. Matt Pipkin and his father Chet are aiming to try next October by keeping a Cessna 172 in the air for 65 days straight. AVweb‘s Russ Niles spoke with Matt Pipkin about the attempt and how it will benefit others.

It's been a little more than 50 years since anyone tried to break one of the most bizarre aviation endurance records. Matt Pipkin and his father Chet are aiming to try next October by keeping a Cessna 172 in the air for 65 days straight. AVweb's Russ Niles spoke with Matt Pipkin about the attempt and how it will benefit others.


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