A Couple of Reasons Why You (Yes, You!) Need to Stop by ChallengeAir’s Booth at EAA AirVenture
If you’re listening to this, chances are you already know the magic that flying can provide. ChallengeAir is a Dallas-based organization that spreads that joy to young people who might never otherwise get the chance to sit in the left seat of a small aircraft. AVweb‘s Russ Niles spoke with ChallengeAir executive director Byron Laszlo about the program and the special fund-raising event we’re working on together at EAA AirVenture.
If you're listening to this, chances are you already know the magic that flying can provide. ChallengeAir is a Dallas-based organization that spreads that joy to young people who might never otherwise get the chance to sit in the left seat of a small aircraft. AVweb's Russ Niles spoke with ChallengeAir executive director Byron Laszlo about the program and the special fund-raising event we're working on together at EAA AirVenture.
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