A New Beginning for Another Eclipse?
A federal bankruptcy judge has approved a $40 million purchase offer made by Eclipse Aerospace for Eclipse Aviation, or so says Mayor Martin Chavez, the Associated Press reported Thursday. Eclipse closed its doors in February, and now Mike Press and Mason Holland Jr. expect to reopen the company in its latest incarnation (as Eclipse Aerospace) on September 1. AVweb‘s Mary Grady caught up with Mike Press just prior to the judge’s ruling. Click through to hear his plans for the future.
A federal bankruptcy judge has approved a $40 million purchase offer made by Eclipse Aerospace for Eclipse Aviation, or so says Mayor Martin Chavez, the Associated Press reported Thursday. Eclipse closed its doors in February, and now Mike Press and Mason Holland Jr. expect to reopen the company in its latest incarnation (as Eclipse Aerospace) on September 1. AVweb's Mary Grady caught up with Mike Press just prior to the judge's ruling. Click through to hear his plans for the future.
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