AOPA: Don’t Count Out User Fees
Lorraine Howerton.-->New aviation user fees aren’t in the Obama administration’s newly released budget, but there are real reasons to think they might appear elsewhere, says AOPA. More legislation (like the FAA reauthorization bill) is still in the pipeline, and with the nation’s current fiscal condition, anything can happen. Lorraine Howerton, AOPA’s vice president of legislative affairs, explains why the threat’s still there – and what you can do about it.
New aviation user fees aren't in the Obama administration's newly released budget, but there are real reasons to think they might appear elsewhere, says AOPA. More legislation (like the FAA reauthorization bill) is still in the pipeline, and with the nation's current fiscal condition, anything can happen. Lorraine Howerton, AOPA's vice president of legislative affairs, explains why the threat's still there - and what you can do about it.
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