AVweb Podcast: Monday, June 19, 2006
The FAA’s plans for TRACON consolidation may have been derailed in the House; new technology, diesels, and FADEC mean new red tape for STC hopefuls; Delta’s pensions may take a dive today; Cessna has its first customer-demonstrator Mustang; the spaceport count hits six; a privately owned airport may fall to power lines; farewell, Firewall Forward; AOPA fights Service Bulletin Interpretation; and a blimp may bring TV to a sky near you.
The FAA's plans for TRACON consolidation may have been derailed in the House; new technology, diesels, and FADEC mean new red tape for STC hopefuls; Delta's pensions may take a dive today; Cessna has its first customer-demonstrator Mustang; the spaceport count hits six; a privately owned airport may fall to power lines; farewell, Firewall Forward; AOPA fights Service Bulletin Interpretation; and a blimp may bring TV to a sky near you.
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