AVweb’s Friday Podcast: AOPA’s Andy Cebula Is Keeping a Watchful Eye on the User Fee Debate

Election years are strange and perilous times for industries like aviation that have potentially game-changing legislation pending in Congress, and the Bush administration’s decision to recycle its general aviation user fee proposal this week as part of the 2009 budget has put aviation groups on high alert. AOPA’s Andy Cebula took AVweb‘s Russ Niles through that political mine field in today’s podcast.

Election years are strange and perilous times for industries like aviation that have potentially game-changing legislation pending in Congress, and the Bush administration's decision to recycle its general aviation user fee proposal this week as part of the 2009 budget has put aviation groups on high alert. AOPA's Andy Cebula took AVweb's Russ Niles through that political mine field in today's podcast.


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