AVweb’s Friday Podcast: Owning Your Own Harrier Isn’t All Fun and Games
When Art Nalls saw a brief news item that the British Navy was retiring its Sea Harrier fleet, it got him thinking. Not long after, he was the owner of the world’s only privately-held vertical takeoff and landing military jet. Nalls spoke with AVweb‘s Russ Niles about the hoops he jumped through to bring the jump jet home and the ups and downs of his first two flights last weekend in Maryland.
When Art Nalls saw a brief news item that the British Navy was retiring its Sea Harrier fleet, it got him thinking. Not long after, he was the owner of the world's only privately-held vertical takeoff and landing military jet. Nalls spoke with AVweb's Russ Niles about the hoops he jumped through to bring the jump jet home and the ups and downs of his first two flights last weekend in Maryland.
At 20 minutes, this is a special extra-long podcast. Be warned that it may take a little longer to load than our usual Friday offerings!
File Size: download here

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