AVweb’s Monday Podcast: Engineer & CFI Brad Whitsitt Tackles Crosswind Landing Training with a New Simulator

Flight instructor and electrical engineer Brad Whitsitt noticed that many of his flight students had much difficulty with crosswind landings, and his research into the problem found that improper crosswind landing techniques and wind-gust encounters near the runway are the top causes of weather-related accidents. He decided to do something about this by merging his diverse backgrounds together to develop the Xwind 200 crosswind landing trainer. AVweb Editor-in-Chief Chad Trautvetter spoke with Whitsitt to find out more about his new device.

Flight instructor and electrical engineer Brad Whitsitt noticed that many of his flight students had much difficulty with crosswind landings, and his research into the problem found that improper crosswind landing techniques and wind-gust encounters near the runway are the top causes of weather-related accidents. He decided to do something about this by merging his diverse backgrounds together to develop the Xwind 200 crosswind landing trainer. AVweb Editor-in-Chief Chad Trautvetter spoke with Whitsitt to find out more about his new device.


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