AVweb’s Monday Podcast: Reason Foundation’s Robert Poole Makes the Case for User Fees
Robert Poole, Director of Transportation Studies at nonprofit think-tank Reason Foundation, has long been an advocate of aviation user fees, as well as a supporter of commercializing the U.S. air traffic control organization. In an interview with AVweb Editor-in-Chief Chad Trautvetter, Poole explains why he sees user fees and a privatized ATC system as good things for airspace users, despite what the aviation alphabet groups and some congressional members have been saying lately about user fees. Note that this is an extra-special double-length podcast, coming in at 16 minutes. We hope you enjoy it!
Robert Poole, Director of Transportation Studies at nonprofit think-tank Reason Foundation, has long been an advocate of aviation user fees, as well as a supporter of commercializing the U.S. air traffic control organization. In an interview with AVweb Editor-in-Chief Chad Trautvetter, Poole explains why he sees user fees and a privatized ATC system as good things for airspace users, despite what the aviation alphabet groups and some congressional members have been saying lately about user fees.
Note that this is an extra-special double-length podcast, coming in at 16 minutes. We hope you enjoy it!
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