AVweb’s Monday Podcast: Those Commercial Jet Pilots Get a Little Younger Every Year
It’s true! The next time you find yourself making a trip on a commuter airline, you may or may not find it comforting to know that the pilot in the right seat of your regional jet isn’t old enough to buy you a beer at the destination airport bar. AVweb‘s Mike Blakeney set out to see where the pilot qualification bar really is set in today’s commercial aviation world. In this audio feature, we talk with Jeff McNamee of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University to get to the the bottom of all the airline hiring rumors floating around.
It's true! The next time you find yourself making a trip on a commuter airline, you may or may not find it comforting to know that the pilot in the right seat of your regional jet isn't old enough to buy you a beer at the destination airport bar. AVweb's Mike Blakeney set out to see where the pilot qualification bar really is set in today's commercial aviation world. In this audio feature, we talk with Jeff McNamee of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University to get to the the bottom of all the airline hiring rumors floating around.
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