AVweb’s Sun ‘n Fun 2007 Podcast #2: Bob Kromer on Piper’s Comeback
The aircraft company that practically defined general aviation for decades faded for a while as it switched owners and battled the same demons afflicting other manufacturers, but Piper is here to tell you that not only has it survived, it’s starting to thrive. AVweb‘s Russ Niles sat down with the company’s executive vice president of sales Bob Kromer to talk about progress on the jet, a new avionics option and the feeling in Vero Beach.
The aircraft company that practically defined general aviation for decades faded for a while as it switched owners and battled the same demons afflicting other manufacturers, but Piper is here to tell you that not only has it survived, it's starting to thrive. AVweb's Russ Niles sat down with the company's executive vice president of sales Bob Kromer to talk about progress on the jet, a new avionics option and the feeling in Vero Beach.
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