AVweb’s Sun ‘n Fun 2009 Podcast #1: Re-Engined Caravan Attracting Attention

The Super Van 900, a Cessna Caravan with a 900-horsepower Garrett engine, was granted a supplementary type certificate (STC) by the FAA recently, and interest is strong in the souped-up Caravan. IFR magazine editor and AVweb contributor Jeff Van West spoke with Texas Turbines CEO Bobby Bishop about how more ponies help this workhorse. This podcast is brought to you byLightspeed Aviation’s Zulu Headset andGulf Coast Avionics.

Lightspeed Zulu - Change Your MindGulfCoastAvionics

The Super Van 900, a Cessna Caravan with a 900-horsepower Garrett engine, was granted a supplementary type certificate (STC) by the FAA recently, and interest is strong in the souped-up Caravan. IFR magazine editor and AVweb contributor Jeff Van West spoke with Texas Turbines CEO Bobby Bishop about how more ponies help this workhorse.

This podcast is brought to you by Lightspeed Aviation's Zulu Headset and Gulf Coast Avionics.


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