AVweb’s Sun ‘n Fun 2009 Podcast #4: Learn to Be an LSA Repairman

Tired of your current job? Feeling employment-challenged in the current economy? Rainbow Aviation Services in Corning, California has a 120-hour course that will let you hang out your shingle as an LSA repairman and can be a stepping stone to getting a full-fledged A&P certificate for working on larger aircraft. This podcast is brought to you by Lightspeed Aviation’s Zulu Headset and Gulf Coast Avionics.

Lightspeed Zulu - Change Your MindGulfCoastAvionics

Tired of your current job? Feeling employment-challenged in the current economy? Rainbow Aviation Services in Corning, California has a 120-hour course that will let you hang out your shingle as an LSA repairman and can be a stepping stone to getting a full-fledged A&P certificate for working on larger aircraft.

This podcast is brought to you by Lightspeed Aviation's Zulu Headset and Gulf Coast Avionics.


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