Bonanzas (In the Run-Up) to Oshkosh

AirVenture is coming at us faster than an F-22 fly-by, but hold on – some say Oshkosh won’t officially begin until the Beechcraft boys arrive in their impressive formation. A flight of 100+ of “Those Incomparable Bonanzas” have been preparing all year to once again fill the skies over Wittman Airport announcing their arrival at AirVenture 2008. In today’s AVweb audio feature, Mike Blakeney caught up with Larry Gaines, the leader of Bonanzas to Oshkosh, to get the the history and tradition of the group.

AirVenture is coming at us faster than an F-22 fly-by, but hold on - some say Oshkosh won't officially begin until the Beechcraft boys arrive in their impressive formation. A flight of 100+ of "Those Incomparable Bonanzas" have been preparing all year to once again fill the skies over Wittman Airport announcing their arrival at AirVenture 2008. In today's AVweb audio feature, Mike Blakeney caught up with Larry Gaines, the leader of Bonanzas to Oshkosh, to get the the history and tradition of the group.


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