CAPBOR Gears Up for Second Round in Passengers’ Rights Battle
In a setback this week for airline passenger rights, The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals struck down a law pushed through the New York state legislature by CAPBOR (the Coalition for an Airline Passenger Bill of Rights) and sympathetic legislators. The court said the measure, while well-intentioned, interferes with federal laws governing the price, route, and service of an air carrier. In today’s audio segment, CAPBOR founder Kate Hanni tells AVweb‘s Mike Blakeney that although a new (hopefully appeal-proofed) bill will soon be introduced in New York, the ultimate answer is getting progress at the federal level.
In a setback this week for airline passenger rights, The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals struck down a law pushed through the New York state legislature by CAPBOR (the Coalition for an Airline Passenger Bill of Rights) and sympathetic legislators. The court said the measure, while well-intentioned, interferes with federal laws governing the price, route, and service of an air carrier. In today's audio segment, CAPBOR founder Kate Hanni tells AVweb's Mike Blakeney that although a new (hopefully appeal-proofed) bill will soon be introduced in New York, the ultimate answer is getting progress at the federal level.
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