Doctor’s Orders: IFR Refresher Shares ‘What You Should Know Before Your Next FAA Medical Exam’
This month’s IFR Refresher Audio Series focuses on the subject of FAA medical certification. Editor Meredith Saini interviewed Dr. Michael Greene, who has served as an FAA Aviation Medical Examiner (AME) since 1980 and as an internal medicine doctor in private practice in Gaithersburg, Maryland since 1978.
This month's IFR Refresher Audio Series focuses on the subject of FAA medical certification. Editor Meredith Saini interviewed Dr. Michael Greene, who has served as an FAA Aviation Medical Examiner (AME) since 1980 and as an internal medicine doctor in private practice in Gaithersburg, Maryland since 1978.
Dr. Greene earned a degree in electrical engineering and worked on U.S. Navy missile systems for six years before going to medical school. He graduated from the George Washington University School of Medicine in Washington, D.C. and did his internal medicine internship and residency at the Washington Hospital Center. Dr. Greene earned his private pilot certificate when he was 20 years old but stopped flying for nearly that long until getting back into the air in 1997. In 2005, he earned his instrument rating and now flies about three times a month. In addition to providing FAA medical examinations for pilots, Dr. Greene also performs monthly medical exams for air traffic controllers at the Washington ARTCC.
Dr. Greene recommends pilots visit the following websites before making an appointment for an FAA medical exam:
- Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (must be an AOPA member to view Medical Certification information)
- Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
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