EAA AirVenture 2009 Podcast Series: Flying For Good – Lindy Kirkland
One of the themes of this year’s AirVenture show is public-benefit flying, and as president of the Air Care Alliance, Lindy Kirkland is working to bring pilots together with opportunities to serve the greater good. He took a break from setting up the Fly4Life exhibit at AirVenture on Sunday afternoon to sit down with AVweb‘s Mary Grady and talk about the importance of public-benefit flying, and explain how easy – and rewarding – it is for any pilot to get involved. This podcast is brought to you by Bose Corporation.
One of the themes of this year's AirVenture show is public-benefit flying, and as president of the Air Care Alliance, Lindy Kirkland is working to bring pilots together with opportunities to serve the greater good. He took a break from setting up the Fly4Life exhibit at AirVenture on Sunday afternoon to sit down with AVweb's Mary Grady and talk about the importance of public-benefit flying, and explain how easy - and rewarding - it is for any pilot to get involved.
This podcast is brought to you by Bose Corporation.
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