Extra! Bruce Landsberg from the AOPA Air Safety Foundation Talks to IFR Magazine

In a special bonus interview, AVweb‘s Glenn Pew (on assignment for our sister publication IFR Magazine) speaks with AOPA Air Safety Foundation Executive Director Bruce Landsberg. In just over 12 minutes, Landsberg shares a wealth of knowledge on the causes of accidents; flying in inclement weather; and ways you can train yourself to reduce risk – regardless of whether you fly IFR or VFR. Brought to you byBose Corporation.

In a special bonus interview, AVweb's Glenn Pew (on assignment for our sister publication IFR Magazine) speaks with AOPA Air Safety Foundation Executive Director Bruce Landsberg. In just over 12 minutes, Landsberg shares a wealth of knowledge on the causes of accidents; flying in inclement weather; and ways you can train yourself to reduce risk - regardless of whether you fly IFR or VFR.

Brought to you byBose Corporation.


File Size: download here