Extra! IFR Magazine Talks to the Lead Developer of L-3 Avionics’ SmartDeck
Garmin’s G1000 glass cockpit suite may have a serious challenger in the form of Smart Deck, from L-3 Communications Avionics Systems. IFR magazine‘s Jeff Van West flew the system and interviewed its designers. Here Van West talks to the lead developer for Smart Deck, Gary Watson, about what L-3 believes makes Smart Deck unique.
Garmin's G1000 glass cockpit suite may have a serious challenger in the form of Smart Deck, from L-3 Communications Avionics Systems. IFR magazine's Jeff Van West flew the system and interviewed its designers. Here Van West talks to the lead developer for Smart Deck, Gary Watson, about what L-3 believes makes Smart Deck unique.
Written reviews will appear in our sister publications IFR and Aviation Consumer. (Click the titles for subcription information.)
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