Extra! Kitplanes Magazine Examines the Talon A600 Helicopter Kit from Rotorway

Rotorway International introduced its new Talon A600 helicopter kit at AirVenture this week. The ship, a dramatically refined version of the popular Exec 162F, is a two-place, kit-built helicopter powered by a proprietary four-cylinder, FADEC (full-authority digital engine control) fuel-injection and ignition system. The A600 features a wider cabin, improved systems and a standard MGL Avionics EFIS (electronic flight information system) glass cockpit with comprehensive data logging capabilies. In addition, the Talon features a new shaft-driven tail rotor the previous one was belt driven) and new hydraulic tensioners for the main belt-drive system. Prices will start at $95,700. Company CEO Grant Norwich talked to Kitplanes editor-in-chief Marc Cook about the new ship.

Rotorway International introduced its new Talon A600 helicopter kit at AirVenture this week. The ship, a dramatically refined version of the popular Exec 162F, is a two-place, kit-built helicopter powered by a proprietary four-cylinder, FADEC (full-authority digital engine control) fuel-injection and ignition system. The A600 features a wider cabin, improved systems and a standard MGL Avionics EFIS (electronic flight information system) glass cockpit with comprehensive data logging capabilies. In addition, the Talon features a new shaft-driven tail rotor the previous one was belt driven) and new hydraulic tensioners for the main belt-drive system. Prices will start at $95,700. Company CEO Grant Norwich talked to Kitplanes editor-in-chief Marc Cook about the new ship.


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