Friends of the Earth on Leaded Avgas

Part of the push to eliminate tetraethyl lead avgas comes for the California-based environmental group Friends of the Earth. They’ve asked the EPA to examine lead emissions and declare a finding of endangerment as the first step in regulations that would eliminate lead as an octane enhancer. But thus far, FOE has only filed an administrative petition and won’t say at this point if it will follow up with a lawsuit to force EPA’s hand. The petition has been in place for four years. In this podcast, FOE’s Marcie Keever tells AVweb that it’s sensitive to economic considerations for aircraft owners and operators, but, ultimately, it can only ask EPA to write the regulations, and it can’t negotiate on what amount of lead emissions are acceptable.

Part of the push to eliminate tetraethyl lead avgas comes for the California-based environmental group Friends of the Earth. They've asked the EPA to examine lead emissions and declare a finding of endangerment as the first step in regulations that would eliminate lead as an octane enhancer. But thus far, FOE has only filed an administrative petition and won't say at this point if it will follow up with a lawsuit to force EPA's hand. The petition has been in place for four years. In this podcast, FOE's Marcie Keever tells AVweb that it's sensitive to economic considerations for aircraft owners and operators, but, ultimately, it can only ask EPA to write the regulations, and it can't negotiate on what amount of lead emissions are acceptable.


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