Howard Levinson Sets ATP Age Record

We set out to explore the motivation behind why Howard Levinson of Glenview, Illinois (who turns 85 years old this month) attempted and achieved his ATP rating in May of this year. What AVweb‘s Mike Blakeney uncovered was a treasured American, a WWII heavy iron veteran and patriot who lived many of the events you and I have only seen on the History Channel. In today’s audiocast, it is our pleasure to record Howard’s achievements in aviation and salute his service to our country.

We set out to explore the motivation behind why Howard Levinson of Glenview, Illinois (who turns 85 years old this month) attempted and achieved his ATP rating in May of this year. What AVweb's Mike Blakeney uncovered was a treasured American, a WWII heavy iron veteran and patriot who lived many of the events you and I have only seen on the History Channel. In today's audiocast, it is our pleasure to record Howard's achievements in aviation and salute his service to our country.

Howard is available to speak to groups about experiences in aerial reconnaissance during World War. If you or your group are interested, please feel free to send him an e-mail via this form.


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