IBAC’s Don Spruston Asks How the Pilot Shortage Could Affect Safety(Recorded Live at EBACE 2008)
Business aviation has an enviable safety record, but there are still issues to be addressed, and a looming pilot shortage raises the potential of less-experienced pilots entering a field that has traditionally been open only to high-time aviators. Don Spruston, director general of the International Business Aviation Council (IBAC) spoke with AVweb‘s Russ Niles at EBACE 2008 about the challenges ahead.
Business aviation has an enviable safety record, but there are still issues to be addressed, and a looming pilot shortage raises the potential of less-experienced pilots entering a field that has traditionally been open only to high-time aviators. Don Spruston, director general of the International Business Aviation Council (IBAC) spoke with AVweb's Russ Niles at EBACE 2008 about the challenges ahead.
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