Klapmeier Lays Out Jet Plans (A Preview of Our Friday Podcast)
Well, no one has ever accused Cirrus Aircraft Chairman of the Board Alan Klapmeier of backing down from a challenge and he’s taken on a big one. Klapmeier announced last week that he’s trying to buy the Vision SF 50 jet program from the company he and his brother Dale founded 25 years ago. The news caused a sensation at last week’s gathering of Cirrus owners in Duluth and rippled through the industry. Now that the dust has settled some, Klapmeier says he has a picture of the reaction to the news and he’s explaining the rationale behind the blockbuster news. In an extensive interview with AVweb‘s Russ Niles recorded Wednesday for our regular Friday podcast, Klapmeier lays out the history, the plan and what he hopes will be the future of project. Here’s a sample of what you’ll hear in the 15-minute interview. Look for the full audio podcast on Friday morning.

Well, no one has ever accused Cirrus Aircraft Chairman of the Board Alan Klapmeier of backing down from a challenge and he's taken on a big one. Klapmeier announced last week that he's trying to buy the Vision SF 50 jet program from the company he and his brother Dale founded 25 years ago. The news caused a sensation at last week's gathering of Cirrus owners in Duluth and rippled through the industry. Now that the dust has settled some, Klapmeier says he has a picture of the reaction to the news and he's explaining the rationale behind the blockbuster news.
In an extensive interview with AVweb's Russ Niles recorded Wednesday for our regular Friday podcast, Klapmeier lays out the history, the plan and what he hopes will be the future of project. Here's a sample of what you'll hear in the 15-minute interview. Look for the full audio podcast on Friday morning.
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