Make Room in the Aerodiesel Market, Thielert – TCM Tells Aviation Consumer About Some Big Engine Plans
With Diamond and Cessna onboard, the German-based Thielert Group dominates the aerodiesel market. But Teledyne-Continental would like to change this and has announced its intention to aggressively develop its own heavy fuel or Jet A engine for certification, possibly as early as 2009. In this detailed podcast, TCM’s Rhett Ross tells Aviation Consumer editor Paul Bertorelli that the company will ground-demonstrate a diesel later this year or early next.
With Diamond and Cessna onboard, the German-based Thielert Group dominates the aerodiesel market. But Teledyne-Continental would like to change this and has announced its intention to aggressively develop its own heavy fuel or Jet A engine for certification, possibly as early as 2009. In this detailed podcast, TCM's Rhett Ross tells Aviation Consumer editor Paul Bertorelli that the company will ground-demonstrate a diesel later this year or early next.
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