Miles O’Brien Brings GA to the Masses

Miles O’Brien, a Cirrus pilot, covered aviation and space for CNN for 16 years until his job was downsized last December. Since then, he’s been finding new ways to bring stories about flight to a broad audience. He talks with AVweb‘s Mary Grady about his trip to Africa with Patty Wagstaff to film her work training pilots for the Kenya Wildlife Service – the documentary will screen at EAA AirVenture on July 28 – and he reveals the new ways he’s finding to connect with his audience, from writing a blog to “narrowcasting” online.

Miles O'Brien, a Cirrus pilot, covered aviation and space for CNN for 16 years until his job was downsized last December. Since then, he's been finding new ways to bring stories about flight to a broad audience. He talks with AVweb's Mary Grady about his trip to Africa with Patty Wagstaff to film her work training pilots for the Kenya Wildlife Service - the documentary will screen at EAA AirVenture on July 28 - and he reveals the new ways he's finding to connect with his audience, from writing a blog to "narrowcasting" online.


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