Photo Podcast Extra! Aviation Consumer Flies Mooney’s Type S: Yes, It’s As Fast As They Claim It Is

Just a few weeks ago, Mooney announced final approvals on its new version of the Acclaim, the Type S. The company claims a 242-knot top speed, and Aviation Consumer‘s Paul Bertorelli recently took a demo flight in the new airplane. Sure enough, it is that fast. See the details in this photo podcast from our recent visit to Kerrville.

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Just a few weeks ago, Mooney announced final approvals on its new version of the Acclaim, the Type S. The company claims a 242-knot top speed, and Aviation Consumer's Paul Bertorelli recently took a demo flight in the new airplane. Sure enough, it is that fast. See the details in this photo podcast from our recent visit to Kerrville.

(To read the full review - and others like it - subscribe to Aviation Consumer.)


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