Pilots for Patients: How to Build a VPO (and Make a Difference) from the Ground Up
Every day across America, thousands of GA pilots provide at no charge their airplanes, fuel and time to volunteer pilot organizations (VPOs). These compassion flights provide free transportation for patients needing specialized care not available in their local area. VPOs were invaluable during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, bringing in precious supplies and reuniting families separated and scattered across the country. One of the newest such organizations, Pilots for Patients, based in Louisiana, is remarkable because the idea for the group was conceived only late last year and now the group is already a functioning organization – complete with a board of directors, web site, and corporate and tax-exempt status. AVweb‘s Mike Blakeney recently sat down with board members Phillip Thomas and Larry Lehmann to get a blueprint on what it takes to create a brand-new VPO from the ground up.
Every day across America, thousands of GA pilots provide at no charge their airplanes, fuel and time to volunteer pilot organizations (VPOs). These compassion flights provide free transportation for patients needing specialized care not available in their local area. VPOs were invaluable during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, bringing in precious supplies and reuniting families separated and scattered across the country.
One of the newest such organizations, Pilots for Patients, based in Louisiana, is remarkable because the idea for the group was conceived only late last year and now the group is already a functioning organization - complete with a board of directors, web site, and corporate and tax-exempt status. AVweb's Mike Blakeney recently sat down with board members Phillip Thomas and Larry Lehmann to get a blueprint on what it takes to create a brand-new VPO from the ground up.
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