Podcast: Eclipse Cleared to 410
After problems with carbon fouling in compressor vanes, the Eclipse 500 was limited to 30,000 feet, a fuel-inefficient altitude that saps its range. But now, says the company’s Mason Holland, Pratt & Whitney has come up with a fix that involves a new burner can design. Eclipse’s Ken Oden told us this week at AirVenture that the Pratt modification will extend the EA500’s range to beyond 1,000 miles with NBAA reserves. This podcast is brought to you by WxWorx XM WX Satellite Weather and Bose Corporation.
After problems with carbon fouling in compressor vanes, the Eclipse 500 was limited to 30,000 feet, a fuel-inefficient altitude that saps its range. But now, says the company's Mason Holland, Pratt & Whitney has come up with a fix that involves a new burner can design. Eclipse's Ken Oden told us this week at AirVenture that the Pratt modification will extend the EA500's range to beyond 1,000 miles with NBAA reserves.
This podcast is brought to you by WxWorx XM WX Satellite Weather and Bose Corporation.
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