Podcast: IMC Club Founder Radek Wyrzykowski

Radek Wyrzykowski, founder of the IMC Club, a fast-growing nonprofit project that launched just about a year ago in Norwood, Mass., aims to help instrument-rated private pilots gain the confidence and skills they need to get the most out of their rating. AVweb‘s Mary Grady spoke with Wyrzykowski in detail about how the clubs work and how pilots can participate. This podcast is brought to you by Bose Corporation and WxWorx XM WX Satellite Weather.

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Radek Wyrzykowski, founder of the IMC Club, a fast-growing nonprofit project that launched just about a year ago in Norwood, Mass., aims to help instrument-rated private pilots gain the confidence and skills they need to get the most out of their rating. AVweb's Mary Grady spoke with Wyrzykowski in detail about how the clubs work and how pilots can participate.

This podcast is brought to you by Bose Corporation and WxWorx XM WX Satellite Weather.


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