Podcast: New Products, Weighty Discussions at NBAA 2011

Contrasting the typically sunny skies of Las Vegas, the gloomy economic forecast continues to cloud business aviation’s mood, but the atmosphere is upbeat in the desert this week as NBAA 2011 gets going. AVweb‘s Russ Niles spoke with NBAA president Ed Bolen on the eve of the big show. This podcast is brought to you by Phillips 66 Aviation.

Phillips 66 Aviation || Aviation's Number One Fuel Provider

Contrasting the typically sunny skies of Las Vegas, the gloomy economic forecast continues to cloud business aviation's mood, but the atmosphere is upbeat in the desert this week as NBAA 2011 gets going. AVweb's Russ Niles spoke with NBAA president Ed Bolen on the eve of the big show.

This podcast is brought to you by Phillips 66 Aviation.


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