Podcast: Quest Kodiak’s ‘Air Claw’ Program

Quest has partnered with Northrop Grumman to develop new capabilities for its Kodiak STOL turboprop. This week at Sun ‘n Fun, AVweb‘s Mary Grady spoke with Steve Zinda, Quest’s marketing director, to learn more about the program. This podcast is brought to you by Control Vision’s Anywhere Map and Bendix/King by Honeywell.

Anywhere Map from Control VisionBendix/King by Honeywell

Quest has partnered with Northrop Grumman to develop new capabilities for its Kodiak STOL turboprop. This week at Sun 'n Fun, AVweb's Mary Grady spoke with Steve Zinda, Quest's marketing director, to learn more about the program.

This podcast is brought to you by Control Vision's Anywhere Map and Bendix/King by Honeywell.


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