Podcast: Really Nice Cub
The centerpiece of the EAA booth at Sun ‘n Fun was a 1946 J-3 Cub that has taught three generations of the Jones family how to fly. AVweb’s Paul Bertorelli, a fellow Cub owner, went over the beautiful aircraft and its history with owner Bob Jones. This podcast is brought to you by Control Vision’s Anywhere Map and Bendix/King by Honeywell.
The centerpiece of the EAA booth at Sun 'n Fun was a 1946 J-3 Cub that has taught three generations of the Jones family how to fly. AVweb's Paul Bertorelli, a fellow Cub owner, went over the beautiful aircraft and its history with owner Bob Jones.
This podcast is brought to you by Control Vision's Anywhere Map and Bendix/King by Honeywell
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