Podcast: The IPA’s Captain Robert Travis on the Dangers of Cargo Fires
Lithium battery fires can burn hotter and faster than other electrical or cargo fires, rapidly destroying an aircraft’s structure and systems. The FAA realizes the threat and bans the batteries from the cargo holds of passenger-carrying aircraft. It treats cargo aircraft very differently, and the differences are staggering. Glenn Pew speaks with Captain Robert Travis, president of the Independent Pilots Association, about the FAA’s position and the union’s plans to make substantive changes.
Lithium battery fires can burn hotter and faster than other electrical or cargo fires, rapidly destroying an aircraft's structure and systems. The FAA realizes the threat and bans the batteries from the cargo holds of passenger-carrying aircraft. It treats cargo aircraft very differently, and the differences are staggering. Glenn Pew speaks with Captain Robert Travis, president of the Independent Pilots Association, about the FAA's position and the union's plans to make substantive changes.
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