Podcast: Think Flying’s Too Expensive? Listen Here Before You Complain
Just back from Europe and tamping down jet lag, correspondent Paul Bertorelli recorded this podcast with fliegermagazin‘s Thomas Borchert during the Aero show in Friedrichshafen. Before you complain about user fees or regulations in the U.S., listen to what Thomas has to say about flying in Europe. Yet still, pilots there persevere, $13 dollar avgas and approach fees be damned.
Just back from Europe and tamping down jet lag, correspondent Paul Bertorelli recorded this podcast with fliegermagazin's Thomas Borchert during the Aero show in Friedrichshafen. Before you complain about user fees or regulations in the U.S., listen to what Thomas has to say about flying in Europe. Yet still, pilots there persevere, $13 dollar avgas and approach fees be damned.
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