Robert Hackman of AOPA with an ELT Update
Signals from 121.5 MHz ELTs are no longer being monitored, but pilots are not required to update to the 406 MHz units. Rob Hackman, senior director of regulatory affairs for AOPA, explains what the options are for pilots, how to best assure that you get an emergency response when you need one, and why it’s important to register once you install a new unit. AVweb‘s Mary Grady interviewed Hackman via Skype from his office at AOPA headquarters in Frederick, Maryland.
Signals from 121.5 MHz ELTs are no longer being monitored, but pilots are not required to update to the 406 MHz units. Rob Hackman, senior director of regulatory affairs for AOPA, explains what the options are for pilots, how to best assure that you get an emergency response when you need one, and why it's important to register once you install a new unit. AVweb's Mary Grady interviewed Hackman via Skype from his office at AOPA headquarters in Frederick, Maryland.
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