What’s in the Stimulus Plan for Pilots? How About a Tax Deduction on a New Airplane?

Buried in the recently passed economic stimulus package are some tax code revisions and extensions that continue the accelerated depreciation schedule for buying business-related equipment. And that includes airplanes. These code revisions are, in some cases, retroactive for several years. To hear the full explanation and potential, listen to this podcast with Lou Meiners of Advocate Consulting, a firm that specializes in aviation-related accounting and legal issues.

Buried in the recently passed economic stimulus package are some tax code revisions and extensions that continue the accelerated depreciation schedule for buying business-related equipment. And that includes airplanes. These code revisions are, in some cases, retroactive for several years. To hear the full explanation and potential, listen to this podcast with Lou Meiners of Advocate Consulting, a firm that specializes in aviation-related accounting and legal issues.


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