Wounded Warrior Project at the Rhode Island National Guard Air Show
The Wounded Warrior Project works to help injured veterans transition to civilian life, and recently they’ve partnered up with some aviators to help promote the effort at air shows around the country. At the Rhode Island National Guard Air Show in June, AVweb‘s Mary Grady caught up with the Vandy 1 team, which operates a shiny black aerobatic L-39 jet that carries the Wounded Warrior logo.
The Wounded Warrior Project works to help injured veterans transition to civilian life, and recently they've partnered up with some aviators to help promote the effort at air shows around the country. At the Rhode Island National Guard Air Show in June, AVweb's Mary Grady caught up with the Vandy 1 team, which operates a shiny black aerobatic L-39 jet that carries the Wounded Warrior logo.
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