Exclusive Video: AEA Product Minutes – Garmin, L3, and Mid-Continent Instruments

In this batch of product minutes, Jim Alpiser from Garmin introduces the new G3X for sport aircraft, Michele Stevenson of L3 Avionics talks about their Trilogy Electronics Standby Instrument, and Tom Genovese from Mid-Continent Instruments shows off the MD800 series lithium nanophosphate battery.

If you're not attending the Aircraft Electronics Association Convention in Dallas, Texas this week, you're missing some terrific new products. One of the things we enjoy most about these trade shows is walking the floor and seeing the latest tech in person, so we're sharing that experience with a series of "AEA Product Minutes" - in which we invite vendors to reveal (in one minute) the details of their hottest product at the show.

In this batch of product minutes, Jim Alpiser from Garmin introduces the new G3X for sport aircraft, Michele Stevenson of L3 Avionics talks about their Trilogy Electronics Standby Instrument, and Tom Genovese from Mid-Continent Instruments shows off the MD800 series lithium nanophosphate battery.

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