Exclusive Video: Bendix/King AV8OR Demo

When Bendix/King rolled out its AV8OR portable GPS last summer, the $749 retail price – about $675 discounted – caught GPS buyers by surprise. So did the AV8OR’s feature set, which includes a touchscreen interface and automotive navigation as built-in standard capability. In this video, AVweb‘s editors took the AV8OR out for a spin to wring out its major features.

When Bendix/King rolled out its AV8OR portable GPS last summer, the $749 retail price - about $675 discounted - caught GPS buyers by surprise. So did the AV8OR's feature set, which includes a touchscreen interface and automotive navigation as built-in standard capability. In this video, AVweb's editors took the AV8OR out for a spin to wring out its major features.

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