Exclusive Video: Why Did This Landing Go Wrong?

Another YouTube star is born. This time, it’s a runway overshoot on St. Barthlemy’s notoriously short runway 10/28. Several readers drew our attention to this video, and we’ve done an analysis on what went wrong. St. Bart’s is short, all right, but really not that different from a hundred other runways cluttered up with trees, towers, and close-in terrain. This is a stark, metal-bending lesson in airspeed control.

Another YouTube star is born. This time, it's a runway overshoot on St. Barthlemy's notoriously short runway 10/28. Several readers drew our attention to this video, and we've done an analysis on what went wrong. St. Bart's is short, all right, but really not that different from a hundred other runways cluttered up with trees, towers, and close-in terrain. This is a stark, metal-bending lesson in airspeed control.

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