NBAA 2007 Exclusive Video #3: Airbus A318 Elite Business Jet Cabin Tour
The 2007 NBAA Convention has been a busy one for the AVweb team, and there were many invitations we (unfortunately) had to turn down. When the kind folks at Airbus invited us to tour a fully-equipped A318 Elite, however, we just couldn’t pass up the opportunity. Grab your most presentable briefcase and join us for a taste of business travel in the highest style. (Click through to watch.)
The 2007 NBAA Convention has been a busy one for the AVweb team, and there were many invitations we (unfortunately) had to turn down. When the kind folks at Airbus invited us to tour a fully-equipped A318 Elite, however, we just couldn't pass up the opportunity. Grab your most presentable briefcase and join us for a taste of business travel in the highest style.
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