Red Bull Air Race Crash, Perth, April 15, 2010 – Adilson Kindlemann

The Red Bull Air Race experienced the first crash of its seven years on Thursday, April 15, 2010 in Perth, Australia. 36-year-old Adilson Kindlemann lost control of his aircraft after rounding a pylon during practice and managed a near-wings-level impact, but the aircraft flipped as the fixed landing grear struck the water. Rescue crews extracted Kindlemann from the river, and local police reported he was conscious and appeared to be suffering only minor injuries.

The Red Bull Air Race experienced the first crash of its seven years on Thursday, April 15, 2010 in Perth, Australia. 36-year-old Adilson Kindlemann lost control of his aircraft after rounding a pylon during practice and managed a near-wings-level impact, but the aircraft flipped as the fixed landing grear struck the water. Rescue crews extracted Kindlemann from the river, and local police reported he was conscious and appeared to be suffering only minor injuries.

Thanks to Rob Masters for allowing us the use of his original footage.

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