Video: CFAA Opens at Lakeland

If you’re attending the Sun ‘n Fun Fly-In at Lakeland Linder Airport this year, you’ll notice a new addition to the Sun ‘n Fun campus. The building where seminars and educational presentations are being held is the new home of Central Florida Aerospace Academy, which will soon be fully operational as an aviation high school for up to 500 students. (In the meantime, it means access to air conditioning and running water during your Sun ‘n Fun seminars.) This video is brought to you by Aspen Avionics and Bose Corporation.

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If you're attending the Sun 'n Fun Fly-In at Lakeland Linder Airport this year, you'll notice a new addition to the Sun 'n Fun campus. The building where seminars and educational presentations are being held is the new home of Central Florida Aerospace Academy, which will soon be fully operational as an aviation high school for up to 500 students. (In the meantime, it means access to air conditioning and running water during your Sun 'n Fun seminars.)

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This video is brought to you by Aspen Avionics and Bose Corporation.