Video: Foreflight’s New Advisor Update
As the leading aviation flight planning app, Foreflight has been a mile a minute with revisions and improvements. Here at AirVenture 2012, they’ve announced a new set of revisions that include sophisticated but easy-to-use routing and altitude functions. This video is brought to you by Sennheiser, Avidyne, Aspen Avionics, WxWorx XM WX Satellite Weather.
As the leading aviation flight planning app, Foreflight has been a mile a minute with revisions and improvements. Here at AirVenture 2012, they've announced a new set of revisions that include sophisticated but easy-to-use routing and altitude functions.
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This video is brought to you by Sennheiser, Avidyne
, Aspen Avionics
, WxWorx XM WX Satellite Weather.

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