Video: Green Flight Challenge
NASA’s Green Flight Challenge challenges engineers and flight students to conceive (and fly) an aircraft capable of 200 passenger miles per gallon of fuel – meaning it has to go fairly fast, but not burn much fuel. At Sun ‘n Fun, AVweb took a look at Embry-Riddle’s entry, based on a Stemme motorglider. This video is brought to you by Lightspeed Aviation and WxWorx XM WX Satellite Weather.
NASA's Green Flight Challenge challenges engineers and flight students to conceive (and fly) an aircraft capable of 200 passenger miles per gallon of fuel - meaning it has to go fairly fast, but not burn much fuel. At Sun 'n Fun, AVweb took a look at Embry-Riddle's entry, based on a Stemme motorglider.
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This video is brought to you by Lightspeed Aviation and WxWorx XM WX Satellite Weather.

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